
A Hundred Years
Drabble, written for the discworld100 "meeting of old friends" challenge. It's been a hundred years.

Better and Better
Drabble. William goes to the mission.

Cat's Paw
Sequel to Pussyfooting Around, written for Katy's birthday. Richard runs into a (really strange) stranger. Crossover with Neverwhere.

Clex-in-Discworld, or, Disclexia: A Crossover
Clark Kent is a journalist with the Times; Lex Luthor is a recovering vampire; Otto Chriek just wants a quiet life. Crossover with Discworld.

Curtain Call
Death and Vetinari buy curtains.

Curtain Call: Commentary

Father Figure
"That's life," he said. "You go along thinking it's all potatoes and boredom, and one day they spring a Dark Lord on you and nothing's the same again." Crossover with Harry Potter.

Flying The Coop: A Crossover
Death repeats some old mistakes; Rukia makes some new ones. Crossover with BLEACH. WIP.

Rincewind has a very serious discussion with a pineapple.

In A Name
Vetinari fixes what isn't broken.

Love in the Time of Dragons
Drabble. It could have happened like this.

Music With Pop In (off-site link)
What's the deal with this pop life? A crossover.

Mr. Dinwiddie's Birthday
Drabble, written for the discworld100 knife challenge. The Bursar celebrates his birthday.

Only The Force, They Said
There is no Death, only the Force. Crossover with Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones.

Pussyfooting Around
The Marquis de Carabas has a visitor. Crossover with Neverwhere.

Two drabbles: Susan and Agnes, once upon a time.

To Be Blest
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Faramir/Eowyn, crossover with Lord of the Rings.

Otto gets into trouble.

Walking Between Worlds
You can think and you can fight, but the world's always movin', and if you wanna stay ahead you gotta dance. Crossover with Good Omens and Neverwhere. Unfinished.

Whose Names Are Death
As you sow, so shall you reap, or, Death has a visitor. Crossover with Sandman.

Also see Discworld fic fingers and Discworld crossovers.

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